In the Clockwork Orange movie that we saw, we see the main character basically terrorizing people and beating them up while sining the song "Singing in the Rain". This is the original song of the 1952 movie, Singing in the Rain.
Between these two different times is a period of 1952 (movie) - to 1962 ( the Clockwork Orange book). After reasearching, I think I can come up with a pluaisble reason to why there was such a different mood and style between the first song and the second, and what happened between that time to cause it. Between these era's, the Cold War was happening. I think, that in the beginning (1952), people were still looking for something to look foward to, to recover from, and maybe even to celebrate their win from WW2. Therefore, they were looking for new forms of media, and the happy movies, and the types of movies they were used to became popular.
However, fast foward to 1962, and people during that time are becoming more suspicious about people being nazi's and trying to secure their freedom and partiotism in America. Therefore, I think that they started to practice the freedoms they have, one of them being in the media/freedom of speech. They started to explore new areas, and started to reflect things that they had seen in the war, things that before they were not focused on before. Therefore, the stories and movies were becoming a little more "darker". On top of that, between this time there was the death of Stalin and the cuban missile crisis. So perhaps people were putting their anguish and hatred of the USSR into media. These are just my thoughts.